Hello Listserve!
I’m writing this from my hotel room in Auckland, New Zealand. First trip out of Australia and I’m loving it!
Last night we dropped in to The Shakespeare for a quick beer on the walk home. Wow, What a pub! They brew their own beer in behind the bar. If you’re in the area I highly recommend it.
Brewing beer is a very rewarding hobby which I recommend every beer lover try at least once. I don’t mean those tins of extract you get from the supermarket, brew it from grain! The experience really helped me enjoy some of the excellent craft beers available to us now.
I tried the ‘brew in a bag’ method in a large pot on my stove. It only brewed about 24 bottles but they were mine! I had a great time adding the ingredients and seeing how it changed the flavours before and after it was bottled.
The first pour and taste was so rewarding, I had no idea if I had done it right or wrong or what to expect. To have this beer that I crafted myself from raw ingredients was the best thing ever.
Go on, give it a crack. It’ll only cost you about $50 to get set up and a day of your time.