A few days ago, there was a little snafu where my subject line was attached to another e-mail. So here’s the real In the Defense of Cheese.
When I was younger, there would be times that my mother’s “intensity” would drive me to leave my home for a few days, just to get away from her. Every time that I left home like this, I would always do something different. One time I took a bus tour across thestate, and another I merely spent the week at a friend’s house. In one particular instance, I packed up my scouting gear and took off into the wilds of the Appalachians. After about 2 days of hiking, I came across a cabin in the woods. I had enough food packed and I really didn’t mind sleeping in a tent, so when I knocked upon the door, it was curiosity that drove me. An elderly hermit named Mary Ykatherine then came to the door (it’s a silent “Y” apparently). She treated me to what I thought was borscht, but what was apparently 85% peyote. I closed my eyes for a second after the meal, and when I opened them Mary Ykatherine was gone, and in her place was a gorgeous princess. I inquired as to who she was and she said, “In the defense of cheese… THAT WAS DELICIOUS!” I don’t remember much more from that trip.